2 accommodations

Accommodation Rtyně v Podkrkonoší

"Na vejminku" v Podkrkonoší

"Na vejminku" v Podkrkonoší

Price from


The newly renovated cottages from the late 18. century, located in the beautiful valley below the Jestřebími mountains that Karel Čapek called "Krakonošovou Garden"! Its convenient location offers a great starting point for trips to the giant mountains, on ...

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"Na vejminku" v Podkrkonoší

"Na vejminku" v Podkrkonoší

Price from


The newly renovated cottages from the late 18. century, located in the beautiful valley below the Jestřebími mountains that Karel Čapek called "Krakonošovou Garden"! Its convenient location offers a great starting point for trips to the giant mountains, on ...

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