4 accommodations

Accommodation Karlovice

Horský Hotels Kyčerka

Horský hotel Kyčerka

Price from


Kyčerka is a family run hotel located in the most extensive Wallachian village of Velké Karlovice in the foothills of Javorníky and the Vsetínské vrchy. The area offers many attractions, whether in the form of unspoilt nature, or the building's diverse art ...

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Horský Hotels Kyčerka

Horský hotel Kyčerka

Price from


Kyčerka is a family run hotel located in the most extensive Wallachian village of Velké Karlovice in the foothills of Javorníky and the Vsetínské vrchy. The area offers many attractions, whether in the form of unspoilt nature, or the building's diverse art ...

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Dvůr U Kříža

Dvůr U Kříža

Price from


In "the yard at kříža" we offer accommodation for 18-20 persons in the two buildings.

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Dvůr U Kříža

Dvůr U Kříža

Price from


In "the yard at kříža" we offer accommodation for 18-20 persons in the two buildings.

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