4 accommodations

Hotels Světlá

Rekreační a kongresové centrum Nové Dvory

Wellness hotel & minipivovar Kněžínek

Price from


Recreational and Conference Center is located in the middle of the picturesque Nové Dvory South Bohemian countryside. 

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Volcano Spa Hotels

Volcano Spa Hotel

Price from


Volcano Spa hotel is a luxurious 4-star hotel inspired by the beauty of nature that surrounds it. This boutique-style hotel at the foot of the volcano but close to the Centre of Prague offers 16 rooms and suites, named after the world's most famous volcanoe...

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Rekreační a kongresové centrum Nové Dvory

Wellness hotel & minipivovar Kněžínek

Price from


Recreational and Conference Center is located in the middle of the picturesque Nové Dvory South Bohemian countryside. 

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Volcano Spa Hotels

Volcano Spa Hotel

Price from


Volcano Spa hotel is a luxurious 4-star hotel inspired by the beauty of nature that surrounds it. This boutique-style hotel at the foot of the volcano but close to the Centre of Prague offers 16 rooms and suites, named after the world's most famous volcanoe...

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