1 accommodations

Accommodation Beladice

Park Hotels Tartuf

Park Hotel Tartuf

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Park Hotel Tartuf is a rare and unique treasure between the kaštieľmi and Pustochotárskom Park in the campus of the historic Manor House is in, which is included in the list of Slovak Beladice cultural heritage. It offers a variety of accommodation with fre...

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Accommodation Beladice

Accommodation Beladice

Cold castle, where once stood an old wooden fort. Cold castle cliffs are a great terrain for training in mountaineering.  When visiting this village you can stay in the hotel in the village or in apartments, private homes, cottages and guest houses in the near Nitra and Zlate Moravce, which will enchant you with services at a high level. Beladice is a charming village which is located in Nitra region in the Danube basin. The nearest town near the Golden Moravec, 10 km away. The village is located in a pleasant altitude of 165 to 240 m.n.m, and because it guarantees warm weather during most of the year. With a population of 1,572 are spread on 2,241 hectares of land. They beladice offer various forms of spending leisure time, whether walking in parks and wildlife or exploring historic sites. The village is divided into four parts, the Large Chrášťany, Small Chrášťany, Deserted The area, Beladice and near the village is the village Perov.  This village is known for the International Sculpture Symposium that took place here many times and also due to the fact that in 2007 opened the Natural gallery of art ceramics. The most beautiful historical monument, which certainly must visit the castle Deserted The area, which is considered a cultural monument of the Slovak Republic. The manor house built Jesenskys noble family in 1820, but is now turned into a hotel. Quiet moments can be enjoyed up to three parks, such as the magical Beladické- park, which was declared a protected area. Only 6 km from the village is Mlyňany, botanical institution where you will find the largest collection of botanical plants in Slovakia.   Hikers will take only 10 kilometers away ruins Gýmeš, who was over the centuries was conquered by the Turks. Nearby is Gýmeš

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