1 accommodations

Accommodation Kolíňany

Ubytovacie zariadenie Kolíňany

Ubytovacie zariadenie Kolíňany

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The property is located in the Nitra district in the 5-storey building in the village about 10 km from the city of Nitra district in the Nitra region. It has a wide range of uses from accommodation through rental of office space, laboratory space to rent me...

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Accommodation Kolíňany

Accommodation Kolíňany

Kolíňany the picturesque village south-west of Slovakia lying in the district of Nitra. The village is located in Nitra region and has an area of ​​1250 ha. It enchants its visitors with beautiful scenery, cultural events and historical monuments. Kolíňany extending into the northern part of the Danube plain, surrounded by mountains and it Tribečské Žitavská Hills. The area expands at an altitude of 190-350 meters. n. m and is located below the hill Zobor (588 m. n. m.), which offers its visitors a view of the beauty and tranquility of nature through hiking trails. Within sports activities, visitors can take part in sports such as football, table tennis or karate. Can play sports at a local gym. Beautiful place to relax is also near a local pond where visitors can relax and enjoy the magical nature. In addition to sports activities organized in the village and many various cultural events such as concerts and musical groups, theater, organ concerts, dance parties and many others. Kolíňany the center of folklore and folk traditions, as evidenced by the folklore group, which represents the homeland around the world and the Village Museum, which is a beautiful collection of village culture. CountryScapes folk songs are part of the national cultural heritage. Every year in late summer hosts an Kastrolfest called, in which the contest for the best homemade schnapps. Among the most famous cultural sites we can include St. Stephen's Roman Catholic church built in the Romanesque style, which dates from the 12th century. Building has undergone several reconstructions in the Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque. The last reconstruction took place in the 20th century. The church stands on a rocky hill and is the largest pride Kolíňany. Rare is the bell tower, which is located near the church. When you visit this enchanting village you can stay in hostels, guest houses and private homes.

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