1 accommodations

Accommodation Lužianky

Privát Iveta Nitra Lužianky

Privát Iveta Nitra Lužianky

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The newly opened private Blogs, private accommodation (without home). It is located in a family house in the village of 12th century, 8 km from the Centre of the city, near the partially built car manufacturer Jaguar-Landrover. A bus stop for PUBLIC TRANSP...

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Lužianky are Západoslovenská beautiful community spans the Nitra region in the district of Nitra, the Nitra region. The village has 1243 ha and 2919 inhabitants. It offers visitors beautiful nature associated with many options for sport and beautiful cultural monuments. Lužianky laying on the southwest slope of the Nitra loess hills on the floodplain and terrace Nitra River. Center of the village is situated at an altitude of 141 m. n. m. The traditional sports activities include football in the village, which has a long tradition going back to the year 1926. In addition to the acclaimed football get their come and lovers of sports such as handball, hockey, cycling, chess and volleyball. As regards cultural heritage, the greatest pride of the village is the church dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, which was completed in 1938. The building is a wooden altar, unique works of Austrian masters of carving, as well as wood carvings dating from 1942. The oldest monument in the village is sandstone cross from 1776, located in the local cemetery. The stave is the statue as the statue of Our Lady of the Rosary in 1900, the statue of St. John Nepomuk was built in 1905 and a statue of the Holy Trinity in 1904. There are several cross as a cross placed in the cemetery of roku1807, Holy Cross built guilds Rosary in 1913, as well as the cross of St Mission built in front of the church in 1944 has a long tradition in Lužianky film screenings. The first mobile cinema still in bounds as early as 1953. Every year there are organized various cultural events. Examples include Year of the village, where will present folklore groups from surrounding villages, competition in cooking goulash, bean feast, rag, carnivals and theatrical performances for children and adults. When you visit this beautiful village, visitors can stay in the house, in cottages or in private homes.

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