1 accommodations

Accommodation Barca

Route E58 - Camp Košice

Hotel & Restaurant Resort Barca

Price from


The newly renovated Route E58-Camp Košice is the only camp in Košice. The great benefit of our camp is its location, as it is less than 4km from the city center and the railway station and also the immediate proximity of the international airport.

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Accommodation Barca

Accommodation Barca

Barca is a picturesque village stretching out in Rimavská Sobota Banská Bystrica region. The village belongs to the region of Gemer, it has 543 inhabitants and is situated on 1158 ha. The village attracts visitors to its beautiful surrounding countryside and historical sites. They fascinate history buffs community Roman Catholic Church, which was built in baroque-style klasistickom and dates from 1787. Engaging the surrounding countryside and the village, as the village lies in a valley stream Teske, right in the middle of Rimavska basin. The village lies at an altitude of 187 m.n.m. and offers visitors walking on clean air to the Middle mineral spring, walks in the oak forest, located in the western part of the municipality or by upland village the. When visiting this picturesque village you can stay in hotels, guest houses and apartments in the nearby town of Rimavská Sobota, where we provide services at a high level.

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