2 ubytovaní

Ubytovani Lučenec

Smaltovňa Lofty

Smaltovňa Lofty

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Ubytování Lučenec

Ubytování Lučenec

Lučenecis the county town situated in southern Slovakia in Banská Bystrica. City ranks among the historical region Novohradu and offers visitors a number of historical and natural attractions.

The historic attractions of the city include three religious buildings of the Roman Catholic church from 1783, the Evangelical Church in 1784 and the Calvinist church of 1853. Lučenec is particularly interesting unusual number of castles, the most interesting is Reduta in 1810 and also interesting Town Hall . Lovers of historical exponents can visit Novohradske museum and also a gallery, the town reserve include the town center, which has a historical look. While walking around the city, you will notice a lot of interesting historical buildings which include building on the square Kubínyiho No.9, built as Novohradská Bank, home to Masaryk Street 2 and also building another bank to Karman street No.2. The houses were built in the Baroque, Art Nouveau, Renaissance architectural direction and your style attracts every visitor of the city.

In the vicinity of the town are also many historical sites to visit. There is a castle in Galicia, in Fiľakovo castle or manor house in Podrečany. Also interesting visit Šomoška where we can see a stone waterfall, which arise from volcanic activity and is composed of basalt.

Fans of long walks can choose to Lučenská park, city park where there are many rare drevín.Každoročne town attracts its visitors and fairs as well as organizing international exhibitions at the premises of the business district, this is an area in which the concentrated exhibitions and trade .

When you visit this enchanting city, you can stay in a hotel or pension or nearby hostels and hotels, which offer their visitors quality services.

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