1 accommodations

Privats Rimavská Sobota

Ubytovanie Petrovce

Ubytovanie Petrovce

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The accommodation is located in a quiet part of the village, close to the forest. There is a pond nearby, which is a popular destination in the area.

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Accommodation Rimavska Sobota

Accommodation Rimavska Sobota

Rimavská Sobota is a district spans the Banská Bystrica region and added to the region Malohont. The city is located on the terrace and Rimava Morava River, in the northwestern part of the basin Rimavskej. A great Rimavská Sobota beautiful nature and a lot of interesting historical sights.

When you visit the city every visitor enchant Mayor, from which meander all other street of Rimavska Sobota. The most beautiful part of the square is the Roman Catholic Church of St. John, which was built in klasistickom style between 1774 and 1790. History lovers can visit in the Gemersko- malohontianske museum, which is housed at the former artillery barracks. Museum A great amount of exponents to show that the rich history, archeology, ethnology, nature and fine arts center. An interesting exponent Gemersko- malohontianskeho museum also mummified woman who belongs to one of the five mummies located in Slovakia.

The city attracts tourists with many hiking trails, which they converted Rimavská Basin and interesting is the trip to Kurinc, which extends south of the city. The recreation area is interesting pond, which lies here. Swimmers can visit the municipal swimming pool, which offers excellent conditions for swimming. Astronomy enthusiasts can turn in to visit the observatory, which offers its visitors many attractions.

City annually attracts its visitors with lots of festivals and events including, for example City Days organized in May, the International summer art workshops and Gemersko- malohontiansky fair organized in September.

When you visit this city, you can stay in a beautiful guest houses, hotels and motels that will make your stay a good level of service.

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